Sunday, November 1, 2020

Chapter 14 - Week of Whiskers and Fuzz

This week was a busy one with five days at the Castle of Care to get more dragon blood and power potions. Cooper, the Investigator, found an old spell that gave Tiger strength to those who wore these special whiskers. So Super Olivia and the Beckonator put some long ones on Olivia that lasted all week, much to the delight of the Unicorns. One other new thing this week was some fuzz coming in on Olivia's head. The Generals didn't know if it was going to stay but it sure was smooth and cute! Her mum and dad thought they felt like a baby duck.

Super Olivia had a great week and the whiskers kept her Tiger strong! At the end of the week the Generals and Unicorns joined Olivia and the other kids with disguises to trick the Malignois.

Olivia was a black cat, which was a surprise to no one. 

On another front, Olivia's weight was holding steady due to the noodles, candy and McDonald's cheeseburgers. It is amazing how her taste buds and cravings change from week to week. I wonder what will be next. Check back and see....


  1. You make a perfect black cat, Olivia!

    So glad your weight is holding steady and especially after 5 days at the Castle! Stay strong and awesome, Olivia, you are amazing!

  2. Wishing you the best Olivia!

  3. Hey Olivia. Great to see your smile again. What an awesome black cat. Hope you didn't scare too many kids.

  4. I love your costume, Olivia!!😽😽😽

    1. I’m a bit late reading this one so I’m sending very best wishes to all of you for a Happy Thanksgiving! Eat lots of turkey and pie, Olivia!
