Sunday, July 26, 2020

Chapter 5 - Tumorphus' Defeat

Olivia beginning battle with her Unikitty
"Tumorphus' defeat is complete!!" cried out Super Olivia's Generals in the Castle of Care.  Super Olivia and Beckonator's plan to have the Generals break into Tumorphus' lair and banish him forever with the use of Dragon Blood went way more smoothly than they could have hoped.  Beckonator and the kitty twins directed things from home base while Olivia manned the battle station deep in the heart of the Castle of Care.   The Generals worked fast, Super Olivia was brave, she'll have a scar to remember the battle by but will be able to return to home base much sooner than the Generals predicted and Tumorphus' is gone forever.  

But wait!  What do the Generals see now?  It seems Tumorphus had one last trick up his sleeve.  He may be gone but he left behind some of his meanest weapons - the Malignios  - blob-like villains who are really hard to catch because they just float around making trouble wherever they go.  Super Olivia, Beckonator and the kitty twins hoped to have just one battle but they are ready for another one - Those Malignios won't know what hit them when our superheroes are done with them!

Recharging at the Castle
To re-energize for the next phase of attack, Super Olivia will go home and recharge all her powerpacks until she's at full strength to reenter the Castle of Care.  There she will fill up on all different flavors of power potions designed to blast each and every one of the Malignios into smithereens.  Cooper, the investigator, has been doing lots of research on how to defeat Tumorphus' Malignios and Beckonator will collect as much Dragon Blood as possible.  Cooper learned there could be several week-long skirmishes throughout the year.  The Malignios are tiny and tough, but no match for Super Olivia and her crew.

Next up, phase two begins the next battle between Team Olivia and the Malignios!!

Friday, July 24, 2020

Quick update from a big day!

Hey there, Today’s big surgery went great! The doctors were extremely happy and so are we. She’s now just resting up for up to 5 days in the Castle of Care. No other story spoilers until this weekend but I wanted to let you know she is resting well! We will take the win!! And of course she had her trusty kitty unicorn with her! XO and a big sigh of relief.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Chapter 4 - Dragon Blood and Costumes

Superheroes Olivia, Beckonator and Cooper
Super Olivia, Beckonator and Cooper used costumes to sneak in the Castle of Care to meet with her special team of Generals to plan the big attack on Tumorphus. They got some good news. One of the generals spotted Tumorphus and found out that he had shrunk to half his original size. Good work medicine milkshakes! Now was the time to get rid of him once and for all!

Here’s the plan - the kitty twins and Cooper, the investigator, will set a trail to the Castle of Care. Super Olivia will be there with a very secret weapon called Dragon Blood. It is known as one of the most powerful weapons on earth and they know Tumorphus will want it for himself, too much to stay away.

The team of Generals will trap Tumorphus and remove him once and for all. Then they plan to get rid of all traces so he will never bother Olivia again.

Now it is time to get ready for battle. Super Olivia and Beckonator are training for the fight (view video) as Copper and the kitty twins set the trail and the Generals get the army ready. It will take everyone’s fantastic powers to defeat him!
All we can do is send Oliva and her team all your best thoughts this week, because this battle is going to be a tough one.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Update for Adults

Earlier this summer.
First of all, I want to thank all of you for the kindness you have showered on our family through words of encouragement, prayers, offers to help and your very generous gifts. We truly have the most amazing family, friends and school family!!You make each day brighter!

Olivia has been doing great tolerating chemo each week, getting her weight back up after a big drop the first week, and just generally being happy, silly Olivia. Here is where the BUT comes in. When we did the initial biopsy analysis they thought it was the more treatable Wilms tumor but they followed protocol and sent it to a lab in Ohio. We got the results on Friday that Olivia has the more rare and aggressive form of the tumor. One of the things with this rare diagnosis is that it lingers and can come back as other forms of cancer later which terrifies me.That poor kid can not catch a break! But as always with this thing, one day at a time.
She will start a new treatment plan called Regimen M, for those of you who like to do research.  This will add 6-8 weeks of treatment and be much tougher on her. We believe she will have surgery next Thursday/Friday and will stay in the hospital to recover and on Monday she stays in for daily chemo with multiple drugs and now weekly radiation. She will have the 5-day stays about 3 - 5 times, I think. I’m still getting my head wrapped around this new curveball. 
Thank you again for all your support! It has really helped us and most importantly, Olivia and Beckett. My heart's just not in it for a new chapter this week but I always try to post every Sunday by dinner. I am surprised how cathartic it has become for me to write these chapters and Olivia loves to brainstorm ideas. We have a special notebook that she bedazzled (of course) to write down our brainstorming sessions. It should be a sweet keepsake once she recovers. That’s all for now. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers and stay safe and healthy during these crazy times!

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Chapter 3 - Unicorns and Rainbows

This week, Olivia went to the Castle of Care and got her double dose of super juice and she did great! She even got her own personal trainer to train her for the battle with Tumorphus. She felt good all week and even swam each day with Beckonator to keep her spirits up.

Later that week, Olivia and the kittens were walking back from the garden when they saw Tumorphus trying to sneak up on them. Cooper told her that unicorn magic is so strong that by rubbing their horn it will give people special powers and if you think it, it will happen. So Olivia jumped on her unicorn, rubbed the horn and thought about getting away from him. The unicorn flew up, up and over the rainbow leaving Tumorphus behind.

Next week, Super Olivia will add dragon blood and costumes into her battle plan. What do you think will happen next? Leave it in the comments!