Sunday, June 21, 2020

Chapter 1 - And the quest begins...

Hanging at the Castle of Care
Super Olivia and her team assembled at the Castle of Care to plan a top-secret mission. The doctors hid an almost invisible weapon called a power port in her chest. This allows Olivia to secretly get super juices in her body to make her healthy without Tumorphus knowing. Captain Beckonator communicates with Olivia at the castle to plot the next phase of their plan. It involves milkshakes, strawberries and kittens.

Recharging with the kitties

Olivia comes home and is sneaking medicine into milkshakes so that Tumorphus shrinks a little with each sip. She also eats strawberries that she grows in her own invisible garden to give her super strength. To recharge her energy during the day, Olivia snuggles in with the help of the kitty twins, who use their purring powers to help her sleep.

As Olivia rests, Cooper the investigator researches ways to outsmart Tumorphus and here’s a hint – it involves a disguise! What will Super Olivia look like?
Check back to see in the next chapter…

What will the disguise be?


  1. Love seeing your face, Olivia! Whatever the disguise may be, you will be beautiful!

  2. Great job Olivia and team! We can't wait for the next chapter! - Noah Morgan and family

  3. Great idea to do this! We will follow your journey to victory!
    - Eileen & Jerry

  4. You are doing awesome, Super Olivia, and the purring power you're getting has to be helping! Medicine in milkshakes- what a great idea! -Jenesa

  5. Keep fighting Tumorphus, Olivia! It doesn't stand a chance against you and your super powers!
