Over this next week, Beckonator was on watch with Cooper as his backup. One day they saw Tumorphus peek out of the woods and he looked smaller. Those milkshakes with medicine seemed to be working! Cooper and the kittens had read a lot of books and decided it was time for Super Olivia to get her first disguise. A haircut that was so different, Tumorphus would never recognize her. Cooper also told Olivia to collect a number of cool hats to get Tumorphus off her trail.

At the Castle of Care, Olivia was instructed to eat as much as possible to keep her strong. She got to eat as many snacks as she wanted. Bring on the Cheetos, shakes, French fries and chicken nuggets. Followed by ice cream and pickles. She also told her parents that she really liked carrots, so they had some delivered. WOW! Holy Cat Tails! Look at those carrots.
This week Olivia will get a double dose of super juices and will need all of you cheering her on! Our next chapter, the magic of unicorns and rainbows...